Yarvik Tablet Manual
The available Wi-Fi networks appear in the network list at the right screen. Tap the network of your choice. If
the network is secured, you're prompted to enter the network security key.
Press the "Connect" button and the GoTab is connecting to the network.
Once "Connected" appears underneath the network name and the wireless reception icon is shown in the
bottom status bar, you're successfully connected to the wireless network.
Viewing your Yarvik GoTab's Wi-Fi MAC address
While in the Wi-Fi settings screen, click on the menu button in the top right corner.
Press "Advanced" in the unfolding menu.
Your Wi-Fi MAC address is displayed in the following "Advanced Wi-Fi" screen under "MAC address".
Here you can change the audio volume of the GoTab, otherwise possible via the volume buttons on the
GoTab itself and the volume buttons in the top status bar.
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