This document is a user's guide for the NTP client "LEDI NETWORK TOP". The purpose
of this device is to provide a configurable pulse using a reference time from one or several
NTP servers.
This part contains a description of the basic concepts of the product LEDI NETWORK TOP.
It helps you to understand the behavior of the product under various circumstances.
The NTP client software is the very heart of the LEDI NETWORK TOP. It performs all the
synchronization, the management of the hardware and provides information for the WEB
interface and the SNMP protocol.
1.1.1. Clock Correction principles
The objective of the synchronization is to make two clocks indicating the same time. In
the case of NTP based synchronization, the LEDI NETWORK TOP clock must indicate
the same time that the NTP server clock.
To perform this synchronization, the NTP client software permanently compares the two
clocks and computes the following information:
It's the difference between the time of the server clock and the time of the client
clock. For example, if the server clock indicates 2:10:13 and the client clock indi-
cates 2:11:14, the offset is –1:01.
It's the frequency difference between the two clocks. When drift is not null and
without clock correction, the offset between the two clock increase or decrease
depending on the drift sign.
There are several reasons for the presence of a drift between two clocks: generally the drift is due to the tempera-
ture difference between the two clocks.