General Information on Blood Pressure
The second number (80) represents the diastolic blood pressure. It is the lowest
value produced in between the two strokes, the so-called relaxation and filling
phase of the heart.
Advantages of self-measurement
Even just the sight of a physician dressed in white can cause a higher blood pressure,
especially in anxious people. It is also difficult to draw medical conclusions from a
single blood pressure measurement.
It can therefore be useful to carry out the measurements at home in a calm atmosphere
and to record the measurements over a longer period of time. This will give you an
impression of your actual blood pressure.
The values measured by you are for your own information and are no substitutes
for medical examination.
Do not take any therapeutic steps based on the measurements you've
made yourself.
Do not change the dosage of a medication prescribed by your physician based on
a measurement and discuss the measured values with your physician.
Standard blood pressure classification
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)
1 = Optimal blood pressure
2 = Normal blood pressure
3 = High normal blood pressure
4 = Dividing line (dashed)
5 = Mild hypertension (Grade 1)
6 = Moderate hypertension (Grade 2)
7 = Severe hypertension (Grade 3)
The blood pressure classification
published by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the International
Society of Hypertension (ISH) in 1999
looks as shown below.
Blood pressure monitor/Wrist BPM 1600