1 If the entry is empty press
Central Key and add the
information. You can save the
note by pressing the Central
2 Some options are available
for saved notes in the menu
Options: Add new, Send,
Edit, Move to secret notes,
Mark/Unmark and Delete.
Secret notes
You can write the private memo
to protect your privacy. You
must enter the security code to
use this menu.
Using the calculator
The calculator provides the
basic arithmetic functions—
addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division—as
well as scientific functions.
Using the stopwatch
This option allows you to use
stopwatch functions.
Data finder
Date Finder is a handy tool
that helps you figure out what
is the date after it has passed a
certain number of days.
For example, 60 days
after 2009/10/10 will be
Converting units
This option allows you to
convert many measurements
into the unit you want.
Adding a city to your world
You can add a city to the list
of world clocks. You can also
check the current Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT) and the
time in major cities around
the world.
Go to
This helps you go to the menu
you are searching for. You can
set an item as Go to.