Work instructions
Default number of lifts
Using the controller (6), you can preset the desired number of lifts
even in run.
1–2 low number of lifts
3–4 medium number of lifts
5–6 high number of lifts
Required number of lifts depends on the type and rigidity of ma‑
terial, and can be found out through a practical test. Sheet metals
that get near the maximum thickness and rigidity to be cut using
level 6.
After a longer work with low number of lifts leave the machine in
idle run for 1– 3 mins at maximum number of lifts (level 6).
It is only possible to work with lower level than 4 on lowrigid and
thin materials.
ATTENTION! When working with lower control level,
the engine cooling gets worse and thus the possibility
of overheating increases.
Punch and matrix adjustment
Make sure the punch and matrix are sharp.
ATTENTION! Never cut using a blunt punch or matrix!
This could result in damaging the punch (chipping the
cutting edge) and its devaluation.
Using a screwdriver inserted in the eccentric spindle groove (14)
crank the spindle whilst checking the depth of the punch immer‑
sion (12) into the matrix (9). The depth of punch immersion (12)
should be 0.5–1.5 mm. In the top dead centre the punch (12) must
not stick out from the guide of the punch (10). A new machine is
adjusted by the manufacturer. Make sure the clamp bolt is tight‑
ened properly.
ATTENTION! Before mounting to the cut sheet metal,
the punch must be running. The machine must not be
fitted in the cut and only then put in operation.
What to lay on the cut spot of sheet metals:
• steel sheet metals – oil
• aluminous – petroleum
Use cutting oil to enhance the quality of the cutting edge.
When punching shapes inside the board drill a dia. 18 mm hole
first. Start to punch in any direction from that hole.
Punching using a template
When punching using a template, the thickness of the cut sheet
metal needs to be in range from 5 to 6.5 mm, thickness includ‑
ed. The contour of the template needs to have a 2.5 mm spacing
from the cut contour. Guide the punch so that the outer diameter
(dia. 13 mm) of the punch guide (10) kept touching the template.
Make sure the clamp bolt (11) is tightened properly.
Sharpening and replacement of matrix
ATTENTION! Never cut using a blunt plunger (12)!
Especially when cutting a metal sheet of higher rigidity, it could
easily lead to its damage and devaluation. In addition, a blunt
plunger and matrix increase the strain of the machine mechanism
and may be the cause of its damage.
Plunger and matrix sharpening
After cutting 40 metres, grinding is recommended.
Blunting the plunger (12) depends on the rigidity and thickness of
the material cut. Serviceability of plunger (12) (including regrind‑
ing) when cutting sheet steel of:
• 400 N/mm
rigidity is ca 200–300 m
• 600 N/mm
rigidity is ca 50–70 m
A sharp plunger (12) has an opaque cutting edge. Shining cutting
edge of a plunger demonstrates blunting, and the plunger needs
to be grinded.
Be very careful when grinding a plunger (12). Plunger is grinded
from the front side whilst being cooled at the same time. The front
surface needs to stay perpendicular to the plunger axis after grind‑
ing. The cutting edge of the plunger can then be easily stoned on
an oiled hone. Minimum plunge length after regrinding can be
68 mm, any shorter should be replaced for a new one.
Also matrix (9) needs to have a sharp cutting edge. Do not regrind
matrix, but replace it for a new one after it gets blunt. Serviceability
of matrix depends on the cut sheet metal – ca. 100–300 m.
Let a skilled professional do the grinding!
Plunge dismantling and mounting
Screw the clamp bolt (11) out for approx. 4 turns. Pull the tool
head (9, 10) from the gearbox (2). Screw the plunge (12) out from
the connecting hinge (13).
An edgy or newly replaced plunge (12) whose conducting and sur‑
face surfaces with the beam (17) are spread with a lubricant grease
containing Molyka (e.g. OMV signum LM, Mobiltemp78, Kluber Un‑
imoly S6 or PZOP oil, which is added with 3% of Molyka FF), stall be
screwed in the connecting hinge (13) to the backstop which makes
putting the tool head easier. Screw out the plunge (12) with the
tool head on by one to two turns.
Center the tool head and fix it using a clamp bolt (11). Using
a screwdriver inserted in the eccentric spindle groove (14) crank
the spindle whilst checking the plunger immersion (12) into the
matrix (9). The depth of immersion should be 0.5–1.5 mm. In the
top dead centre the punch (12) must not stick out from the guide
of the punch (10). If the immersion depth does not correspond,
screw the plunge (12) in or out with the entire tool head after
unscrewing the clamp bolt (11) by 1 turn. Then tighten the clamp
bolt (11). After a short cutting tighten the clamp bolt again.
Matrix dismantling
Pull the cover ring (15) out of the groove upwards. Knock the cy‑
lindrical pin (16) out, draw the matrix (9) down the beam (17) and
place a new one.
ATTENTION! When ordering a new matrix (9) also a
peg (16) and a cover ring (15) need to be ordered.
Beam dismantling
Screw the clamp bolt (11) out for approx. 4 turns. Pull the tool head
out of the gearbox (2), eject the cover ring (15) from the groove,
knock the cylindrical pin (16) out, draw the matrix (9) down the
beam (17), knock the peg (19) out and pull the bushing guide (18)
out of the plunge guide (10).
Proceed in reverse to perform mounting.
After a short cutting tighten the clamp bolt again.