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Use these instructions in conjunction with the complete installation manual for
this product. Follow all warnings and directions specified within and/or on the
You must complete steps 1–4 before powering up the panel.
Your SmartTech Dealer Portal:
Sign in using the dealer credentials provided by SecureNet Technologies.
You will now create a new "Customer/End-User" account. These steps can be used as
a checklist. Steps 1–4 are applicable for all panel types.
Create an Account by expanding the "Accounts" section in the left side bar.
Select "Search Accounts" to access all accounts.
Select "Add Account" in the top right corner of the main "Accounts" list panel.
From the "Add Account" screen, assign an Account ID and enter the basic account
information. To assign an account, choose one of two options:
Auto Assign - assigns the next available Account ID within your dedicated account
range. Manually Enter ID - enter the preferred account number in the "Account ID" field.
Set the Panel Type to "iotega"
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. All details should be of the property
and master account contact. Site Phone may be set as a mobile.
Assign a Service Plan that corresponds with the panel gateway type you are
installing (GSM, LTE, IP or WIFI).
Note: If more than one gateway is installed on the panel, select the service plan based
on cellular communication (GSM or LTE).
Otherwise, select the service plan based on the services provided:
Managed Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding only)
Interactive/Direct Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding, remote
arm/disarm, notifications, zone status, event history, panel offline
Complete Interactive (includes all direct alarm transport features, plus Z-
Wave device support, scenes, event schedules, system sabotage
Direct Alarm Transport + Video
Complete Interactive + Video
Stand Alone Video (Up to 4 cameras, 250 event storage & notifications)
Stand Alone Video Plus (Up to 8 cameras, 500 event storage & notifications)
Once the service plan is chosen, select "Next".
If all required fields are complete, a "Complete" confirmation message is displayed.
Press "Finish" to add the account.
On the "Account Summary" page, select "Go Live!" to start services. This activates the
service functionality and starts billing.
Note: If you are creating the account in advance or wish to start services at a later
date, do not select "Go Live" at this point. You can select "Go Live" at any time to begin
Add a Gateway by selecting "System" in the left side bar. On the "System" page,
select "Add Gateway" to bring up the "Add Gateway" panel.
Set the Panel Type to "iotega"
Enter the 10-digit ID number found on the bottom of the panel.
Press "Done" to add the gateway.
Create a Master Contact by selecting "Contacts" in the left side bar. From the
"Contacts" page, select "Add Contact" and complete the form. All fields marked with an
asterisk (*) are required.
Assign a unique username and passcode for the customer to access both the end-user
website and mobile application.
The username must be between 3–32 characters long and can include alpha, numeric
or the '@' (at), '_' (underscore), '.'(period) characters.
The passcode must be between 6–16 characters and can contain only alpha or numeric
In the "Alarm User" section, set "User ID" to "Master" and enter the panel master code.
If you are installing a new panel, the default master panel access code
is "1234".
Select "Done" to create the master contact. Following the initial system activation, the
contact information and panel codes can be edited from the "Contacts" page in both the
dealer portal and end-user customer web portals.
Note that only the master contact is created from the dealer portal. Additional user
contacts are created by the master account in the user portal.
To Install the iotega, locate the panel near the WiFi router during initial setup,
as direct connection via Ethernet cable is required.
1. Ethernet Cable Release
2. Ethernet Link Activity LED
3. Ethernet Port
Connect the Ethernet cable to the port on the back of the panel.
4. Ethernet Link Speed LED
5. Power Connector
6. Case Tamper


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para SECURENET iotega

  • Página 1 Managed Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding only) To Install the iotega, locate the panel near the WiFi router during initial setup, Interactive/Direct Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding, remote as direct connection via Ethernet cable is required.
  • Página 2 On steady (green) when AC power is connected. Next, select a permanent location to mount the panel. The surface should be flat, stable, and free from vibration and shock. The iotega should be placed near a power Ready to Arm outlet.
  • Página 3 Zone Future Use Battery Trouble 1-128 Insert the bottom of the iotega into the mounting bracket, then press the top in until it Tamper 1-128 clicks into place. If surface-running the cables, ensure they are channeled through the Fault (Supervision) 1-128 knock-out openings on the mounting plate.
  • Página 4: Simplified Eu Declaration Of Conformity

    Conditions to Void Warranty (a) No Warranty - DSC provides the software "as is" withoutwarranty. DSC does notwarrant thatthe software will meetyour requirements or that operation ofthe software will be uninterrupted or error free. This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workmanship relating to normal use.Itdoes notcover: (b) Changes in operation environment - DSC shall notbe responsible for problems caused by changes in the operating characteristics ofthe hardware, - damage incurred in shipping or handling;...
  • Página 5 À défaut, sélectionnez le plan de service basé sur les services fournis : Transport d'alarme géré (inclut seulement la transmission de signal d'alarme) Pour installer l'iotega, localisez le panneau près du routeur WiFi lors de la configuration initiale, car une connexion directe via un câble Ethernet est requise.
  • Página 6 Pour poursuivre l'installation, veuillez confirmer que vous avez sélectionné Les dispositifs sont attribués directement sous les sous-sections correspondantes des Lancer sur la page Synthèse du compte. Vous ne pouvez pas mettre en ligne l'iotega paramètres de la centrale (zones, touches sans fil, claviers sans fil, sirènes).
  • Página 7: Garantie Limitée

    2 e  niveau 3 e  niveau Fixez la plaque de montage au mur à l'aide de la quincaillerie adaptée. Si nécessaire, retirez le couvercle du compartiment de la batterie au dos de l'iotega et Problème du système 01 Secteur insérez la batterie. Consultez le manuel d'installation en ligne pour de plus amples Problème de batterie...
  • Página 8: Déclaration De Conformité Ue Simplifiée

    Procédure pour la garantie 3. DROIT D’AUTEUR - Tous les titres etdroits de propriété intellectuelle associés au PRODUIT LOGICIEL (notamment mais pas seulement aux images, photographies ettextes incorporés dans le PRODUIT LOGICIEL), les documents imprimés joints ettoutexemplaire du PRODUIT LOGICIEL sontla Pour obtenir un service sous garantie, veuillez retourner le(s) produit(s) en question au pointd’achat.
  • Página 9 Envío directo/interactivo de alarma (incluye el envío de la señal de alarma, armado/desarmado remoto, avisos, estado de la zona, historial de eventos, Para instalar el iotega, ubique el panel cerca del enrutador WiFi durante la supervisión fuera de línea del panel).
  • Página 10 Para continuar con la instalación, confirme si ha seleccionado la opción "Poner en este procedimiento para registrar zonas y dispositivos periféricos hasta que se hayan funcionamiento" en la página "Resumen de cuenta". El panel iotega no estará en línea a registrado todos.
  • Página 11: Solución De Problemas

    Interferencia de RF Zona Uso futuro Si es necesario, retire la tapa de acceso a la batería en la parte posterior del iotega e Problema de batería 1-128 inserte la batería. Consulte el manual de instalación en línea para obtener más...
  • Página 12: Declaración De Conformidad Simplificada De La Ue

    - daños causados por desastres tales como incendio, inundación, vientos, terremotos o rayos eléctricos; 6.ARBITRAJE - Todas las disputas que surjan con relación a este Acuerdo estarán determinadas por medio del arbitraje final y vinculante, de acuerdo con el Arbitration Act,y las partes acuerdan someterse a la decisión del árbitro.El lugar del arbitraje será Toronto, Canadá, y el idioma del arbitraje será el - daños debido a causas más allá...
  • Página 13 Na página “Resumo da conta”, selecione “Entre agora" para iniciar os serviços. Isso Conecte o cabo Ethernet à porta na parte traseira do painel. ativa a funcionalidade do serviço e inicia a cobrança. Ligue o conector cilíndrico do adaptador ao conector de energia na traseira do iotega. 290010267R001...
  • Página 14 LED acenda fixo. Em seguida, página “Resumo da conta”. Você não poderá colocar o painel iotega on-line se “Entre solte o botão enquanto o LED ainda estiver aceso. Continue registrando zonas e agora”...
  • Página 15: Solução De Problemas

    Prenda a placa de montagem na parede usando um equipamento adequado. Zona Uso Futuro Problema Bateria 1-128 Se necessário, remova a tampa de acesso à bateria na parte traseira do iotega e insira Sabotagem 1-128 a bateria. Consulte o manual de instalação on-line para mais informações. Falha (Supervisão) 1-128 Não em rede...
  • Página 16 - danos causados por adaptações, alterações, modificações não-autorizadas ou objetos estranhos; 6.ARBITRAGEM – Todos os conflitos que surgirem relacionados a este Contrato serão determinados por arbitragem final e vinculativa de acordo com a Arbitration Act(Lei de Arbitragem), e as partes concordam em serem submetidas à decisão arbitral. O local designado para a arbitragem será Toronto, - danos causados por periféricos (a menos que tais periféricos sejam fornecidos pela Digital Security Controls Ltd.);...
  • Página 17 (GSM, LTE, IP o Wi-Fi). Nota: se sul pannello è installato più di un gateway, selezionare il piano di assistenza Per installare iotega, individuare il pannello vicino al router WiFi durante la basato sulla comunicazione cellulare (GSM o LTE).
  • Página 18 Per continuare l'installazione, confermare di aver selezionato Go Live nella pagina Selezionare un luogo senza vibrazioni e scosse. Iotega deve essere posto accanto a Riepilogo account. Non è possibile portare il pannello iotega online a meno che non sia una presa di corrente.
  • Página 19: Risoluzione Dei Problemi

    In questo caso,DSC può,a sua discrezione, sostituire il prodotto o accreditare il suo valore. iotega visualizza fino a tre livelli di informazioni di guasto. Consultare la Tab. 1-1 per Garanzia internazionale indicazioni di guasto.
  • Página 20 Il software DSC acquistato con o senza Prodotti e Componenti è protetto da copyright o acquistato secondo i termini di licenza di seguito riportati: Bandae di frequenza Potenza massima Il Contratto di Licenza con l’Utente finale (“EULA”) è un contratto legale fra l’Utente (la società, singolo o entità,che ha acquisito il software e qualsiasi g1 433.04MHz –...
  • Página 21 Anderenfalls wählen Sie den Dienstplan anhand der erbrachten Dienste: angelegt. Verwaltete Alarmübertragung (beinhaltet nur die Weiterleitung von Um das iotega zu installieren, suchen Sie das Feld in der Nähe des WLAN- Alarmsignalen) Routers während der Ersteinrichtung, da eine direkte Verbindung über ein Ethernet- Interaktive/direkte Alarmübertragung (einschließlich Alarmweiterleitung,...
  • Página 22 Sie das Netzteil an einer Steckdose an. Leuchtet bei starker Signalverbindung grün. Die iotega schaltet sich wie folgt ein, sobald sie am Stromnetz angeschlossen ist: Leuchtet bei schwacher Signalverbindung bernsteinfarben. Die Ziffern des integrierten Tastenfeldes leuchten nacheinander auf, bis die Leuchtet rot, wenn kein Signal oder kein WLAN erkannt wird.
  • Página 23: Eingeschränkte Garantie

    Akku. Siehe „Spezifikationen“ im iotega-Installationshandbuch. Sirene Zukünftige Verwendung 1-16 Setzen Sie die Unterseite der iotega in die Halterung ein und drücken Sie die Oberseite Batteriestörung 1-16 ein, bis sie einrastet. Bei auf Putz verlegten Leitungen ist darauf zu achten, dass diese...
  • Página 24 - Schäden aufgrund von Katastrophen wie Feuer,Überflutung, Wind,Erdbeben oder Blitzschlag; Eigentümer der Inhalte und sind möglicherweise durch Urheberrecht oder andere Immaterialgüterrechte und Vereinbarungen geschützt. Diese Endverbraucher-Lizenzvereinbarung gewährt Ihnen keine Rechte zur Benutzung dieser Inhalte.Alle Rechte, nichtausdrücklich unter dieser - Schäden aufgrund von Ursachen außerhalb der Kontrolle von Digital Security Controls, wie Überspannung, mechanische Stöße oder Endverbraucher-Lizenzvereinbarung gewährt, bleiben durch DSC und seine Zulieferer vorbehalten.

Tabla de contenido