The FB3000 detects and reports several events and conditions that are considered errors. The FB3000 will
stop any run in process and display "ERROR XX" where XX is one of the below listed errors. When the
FB3000 is displaying an error indication, press the gray ON/OFF key to clear the error and return to setup
mode, or press the Run key to resume the run (after correcting the cause of the error). Note that loss of AC
power during a run is considered an error condition. Always stop a run before turning off AC power to the
Condition and possible remedy
Minimum load current detected. The output is not connected, or the electrophoresis apparatus is not
set up properly. Check your setup and connections.
Maximum load current exceeded. The output is short circuit, or the electrophoresis apparatus is not
set up properly. Check your setup and connections.
Step load current change. The FB3000 has detected a large change in load current. Check your
setup and connections.
Loss of AC power; PF enabled and completed. The FB3000 detected loss of AC power, however
the run was completed as programmed.
Loss of AC power; PF disabled and not completed. The FB3000 detected loss of AC power, the run
was not completed since PF was not enabled.
Loss of AC power; run not timed. The FB3000 detected loss of AC power.
06-99 The FB3000 detected an internal error condition. Contact technical support for instructions.