Warnings & Cautions
The P3 has built in troubleshooting/diagnostic features.
Situation: screen flashes Warning! Open Ground
Probable Cause: Trailer is connected and P3 loses
connection to battery ground.
Situation: screen flashes Warning! Overload
Probable Cause: P3 detects an excessive current
overload condition during operation.
Situation: screen flashes Warning! Output Shorted
Probable Cause:
1. Detects brake output wire shorted to ground.
Short during idle condition.
2. Use of some test lights or non-Tekonsha testers
can cause this problem.
Situation: screen flashes Caution! Power loss
Probable Cause: Power to P3 interrupted during
braking or stop lamp active while connecting power
to the trailer brake control.
Situation: screen flashes no trailer Connection!
Probable Cause:
1. Trailer not connected to tow vehicle.
2. Trailer connected with open circuit on brake line.
3. Trailer connector disconnected or corroded.
4. Loss of trailer brake magnet ground.
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