Operating Your Unit
Setting the temperature.
Running the Unit
The temperature of the recirculating liquid is set by the thermostat
dial on the rear of the unit.
Setting the dial to 1, gives a temperature of approximately 15°C.
Setting the dial to 3, gives a temperature of approximately +4°C.
If there is no flow it is quite likely that the water has frozen. Do NOT
attempt to lift the pump from the bath as this can damage the coil.
Wait for the ice to turn to water. There is no need to remove the
pump except to clean the bath and refill it with water. The water will
freeze if, you set the dial to a higher number than 4 , and/or, if there
is no heat for the water to extract from the unit being feed with chilled
water. The CH-5 is a robust unit if you take these precautions.
1 Set the thermostat dial to 3 or 4.
2 Switch the Chiller unit on by pressing the power switch. The
switch and the indicators on the front of the CH-5 and PC-5 will
illuminate. The fan and the compressor will start in the Chiller and
the pump will start in the Pump unit. It will take a little while for
cooling to begin.
3 The Pump will run continuously.
4 Measure the temperature of the water and adjust the dial until the
desired temperature is attained. Remember that if the water
freezes, do not force the pump from the bath.
C H - 5 C h i l l e r U S E R ' S M A N U A L
P A G E 13