Outline rectangle tool: click this tool. To select the starting point by moving your
cursor and hold down the left button of your mouse. Then move at the end and
release mouse button.
Rectangle tool: same operation step as outline rectangle tool.
Outline ellipse tool: same operation step as outline rectangle tool.
Ellipse tool: same operation step as outline rectangle tool.
Pointer tool: click this tool. Select the edit area by press and hold down the left
button of your mouse. Then the select area be round by release your mouse
button. Moving the round area by hold down the left button of your mouse un-
til the position you want. Then release the mouse button. Right click to fix the
Polygon pointer tool: same operation step as pointer tool.
Erase tool: click this tool. Just press and hold down the left button of your mouse
and move your mouse to erase the area you want.