The undersigned Augusto Silvio Brunello, The Legal representative of the firm:
TELCOMA S.r.l. Via Luigi Manzoni 11, 31015 Conegliano (TV) ITALY
Declares that the product:
Model: T101, T101F/FA
Use: Gate operator control unit
Complies with the essential requirements of section 3 and relative provisions of the Directive 1999/5/CE,
if used for the purposes for which it has been designed.
Complies with the essential requirements of Directive 89/336 (EMC), EN61000-6-3, EN61000-6-1 and
subsequent amendments, if used for the purpose for which it has been designed.
Complies with the essential requirements of Directive 73/23 (LVD), EN60335-1 and subsequent
amendments, if used for the purpose for which it has been designed.
Place and date:
Conegliano, 30/11/2006
The Legal representative
Augusto Silvio Brunello