01815519-ManualJH01.fh10 19/2/09 16:16 Pagina 9
4. Place the holder with the filter in the jug and poor water. The filtered water must not go
up over the jug MAX indication. Discard the filtered water of the two first fillings.
Depending of the quality and hard water areas, it could be required one or more fillings.
5. After that you can fill the jug. The filter system is ready for using.
If you have not used the filter during the last 48 hours it is advisable to remove it and
shake it inside a recipient with water.
It is not necessary to remove the lid to fill the jar. Lift up the filling lid (2) and pour water
directly over the filling lid.
The indicator shows the filter lifetime and advices you when you must change it.
Take out the lid of the jug. At the bottom of the lid there is a rotatable knob with the
months of the calendar including the days 1–10 and 20. There are also the indications of
1, 2 or 3 people.
Depending on the people that usually use the purifier and the date of placing the filter,
turn the rotatable knob and place the approximately date (1–10 or 20) and the month in
the number of people that use the purifier. The indicator will show you when you must
change the filter.
Once changed the filter do the same operation placing the date and the month with the
corresponding people.
Remove the filter to clean the jug.
The jug and the filter holder can be cleaned with soap and water, taking care to rinse
them well afterwards. You can clean the lid with a dampened cloth.
Do not use chemical or abrasive products, such as metallic scourers, which may deteriorate
the surfaces of the appliance.
Mod. JH01 - JH03