the clamp to the mirubox and, following, couple the
clamp to the cable of the circuit you want to measu-
re. Take into consideration that connection ports are
numbered from 1 to 3. The default configuration con-
siders that the 1st clamp measures the whole-home
consumption, while optional clamps 2 and 3 measure
other lines of interest.
5. Place back the protection cover of the panel and turn
on the main circuit braker again.
6. Verify that the red LED is on and blinks. After a few
seconds, the blue LED turns blinking.
7. Now you just need to connect the mirubox to the
WiFi network available in the home. It is very easy,
with mirubee's mobile app simply go to the 'Installa-
tion assistant' and follow the steps of the 'Meter WiFi