The acquisition of the sirens occurs only carrying out a transmission of tamper; each siren will occupy in the control
panel a distinct siren position in ascending order starting from the first available free.
Moreover, during the first acquisition phase, the siren memorises a code which univocally binds it to the central unit
to which it is associated both for the received and transmitted signals.
Programming and Addressing
All programming, including addressing, takes place exclusively via the control panel.
These sirens receive radio data from the control panel only immediately after transmission.
Consequently, when changes are made to the programming of a siren in the control panel, to make them effective it
is necessary to ensure that the siren in question transmits at least once, to acquire the new parameters set.
The transmission of the siren can be forced by executing the "Siren radio test".
NOTA: since the control panel continuously checks that the programming of each siren corresponds to what has been
set, first you can make the programming of all the sirens you want to configure in the control panel and then, quietly,
once you have quit programming, you activate a siren at a time to let it acquire the new configuration, or you can let
it acquire it on the first supervision transmission every 15 minutes. It is however advisable to check that each siren
behaves as expected according to the configuration made.
Wireless siren test
To perform a test run of the siren, follow the instructions in the control panel manual
If you want to release the siren from the control panel in order to be able to reuse it in another system, you must per-
form the following procedure to delete the memorized central code:
remove and reinsert the battery from the siren
in the first 10 seconds, press the TAMPER button 3 times in rapid succession
if the operation is accepted, the flash will light up for a few seconds
AVS ELECTRONICS S.p.A. reserves the right to modify the technical and esthetical characteristic of the products at any time.
35010 (Padova) ITALY
Tel. 049 9698 411 / Fax. 049 9698 407
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