7) Modify the equipment configuration as needed.
• The first column: Direction sets the DMX port input / output mode
• Note: The input and output mode here is read-only, and the configuration is determined by the DIP
switch on the panel.
• The second column: Universe sets Art-Net's UNIVERSE.
• The third column: Merging policy sets multiple input strategies to the same port, which can be
maintained by default.
• The fourth column: Framerate sets the refresh rate of the DMX output.
• The fifth column: Unicast sets whether the input mode uses unicast mode to save bandwidth.
When unicast, specify the IP address of the other device.
1) Connect the PC and the device to the network
(direct or the same LAN) via a standard RJ45 cable.
2) The device is powered on to view the IP address
displayed on the screen.
3) Modify the PC IP address to the same network
4) Open the browser (IE, chrome or other), in the
address bar enter the device IP address.
5) At this time to display the basic status of the device
information, enter the password, the default is
empty, click Submit
6) modify the IP address and other basic information.
The following is a typical configuration of custom
IP (Custom IP).
Name is the device name
- DMX Hold Sets the hold time of the DMX output
after the network has no signal
- Display Timeout Set the display backlight
retention time (this product model ignores this)
User Manual | ArtNET-DMX 1 Triton Blue | Rev. June 2018 | www.triton-blue.com