English version
4. Installing the AUDEMAT FM Monitor Silver applications
You will now be able to access the embedded web site via Ethernet or Internet to download the
remote applications.
Though the web application is compatible with most browsers, performances vary from one browser
to another. Below is a list of compatible browsers from the most performing to the less performing
by operating system:
Windows Vista: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox
Windows 7: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Windows 8: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Windows 10: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Edge
Mac (OSX 10.9): Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Safari
Linux (2013): Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox
iPad / iPhone (IOS 6.X, 7.0x): Apple Safari / Google Chrome
Android phone (4.4): Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox
Connecting to the embedded web site can be done in http (standard mode) or https (secured mode).
With https, some browsers may display a message indicating that the connection is not certified.
WorldCast Systems cannot indeed certify your unit's address; however, the connection is secured
(data is encrypted) and you may proceed to access it. Other browsers may block access to the site;
you may then use an http connection.
Open a Web browser and enter the IP address starting with the chosen protocol: or
Default Login and Password: "Admin" / "admin".
Click on "Download Tools" in the menu to install the AUDEMAT FM Monitor Silver applications on
your PC.
2. Three applications are available:
AUDEMAT FM Monitor Silver: configure
the unit, set up monitoring, monitor
parameters and view readings in real
create scripts to automate and control inputs/outputs and to manage alarms.