Energy Transmission Meter
for Testing Operable Windows In-Frame
Expanding our line of energy performance
products, the WP4500 Window Energy
Profiler allows you to test actual windows
that have already had the sash or frame
attached to the window. The instrument
can test windows in the factory, but more
importantly it can test windows in the
field that have already been installed.
Simply open the window and slide the WP
4500 around the profile of the window to
conduct your performance measurement.
The opening of the instrument is actually
large enough to fit around the entire frame
of many replacement windows before they
are installed.
The WP4500 measures the UV(A) (ultra-
violet), Visible Light, (VLT) and Near Infra-
red (NEAR IR) transmission values for a
given window or window film. The instru-
ment also estimates the Solar Heat Gain
Coefficient (SHGC) values for transparent
Low-E and clear windows. The SHGC cali-
bration of this instrument is NOT intended
for use with tinted, colored or reflective
(mirrored) surfaces, including window film
Being a self-contained system, there are
no additional light sources or power cords
necessary, and no adjustments to make.
Simply slide the instrument around the pro-
file of the window and watch the resulting
performance data appear on the display.
There are numerous applications for this
product. For the replacement window mar-
ket, the WP4500 can be used as a sales
tool to evaluate the poor performance of a
homeowners existing windows, showing
the need for replacement windows. You can
test the customer's existing windows and
then use the same instrument to show the
excellent performance of the ENERGY EF-
FICIENT window product you are selling.
For window film applications, you can con-
duct very quick and easy before and after
demonstrations by adding a piece of film
to the window to show the results. For job
site inspections in the field, you can confirm
the performance of windows when they ar-
rive at the job-site to ensure the correct
product was received. In the field, the WP
4500 can be used to differentiate different
types of Low-E coatings. By comparing the
measurement results from the WP4500
to the performance data sheet figures of
various Low-E coatings, you can roughly
identify the type of Low-E used in the win-
dow. This is a great aid for those trouble-
some customer complaints that are chal-
lenging whether they received the correct
windows. In the factory, double-check win-
dows in the production environment to
make sure the correct Low-E was used in
assembling the window. The WP 4500 can
be very helpful in identifying windows that
are mislabeled or not marked at all.
Estimated SHGC values demonstrated,
along with UV, Visible and Near IR Trans-
Single, double or triple pane testing eas-
ily accomplished
Test any sample width up to 4.15" thick
with a sash/spacer/frame depth up to
No additional light sources needed
HOLD feature to freeze the display for
hard-to-reach/view measurements
Auto-calibration at start-up: NO manual
adjustments required
Battery operated (9-volt): no power cord
Automatic power-off feature for extend-
ed battery life
Replace Battery Indicator
Continuous measurements
Professional Image complimented by
simple operation
Convenient push-on/push-off power
Protective, custom carrying case
Convenient handle for single hand op-
Remove all glass and window samples
from the opening of the instrument and
turn it on by momentarily pressing the pow-
er button. Wait for the system to power up
and perform a self-calibration. After each
of the displays show 100%, you are ready
to begin testing windows. If there is an ob-
struction in the measurement area of the
instrument, or if damage has occurred to
the electronics, the displays will continue in
there chasing-segment routine and even-
tually power the unit back down. Clear away
any obstructions from the testing area and
turn the instrument on again.
With all the displays showing 100%, slide
the instrument around the profile of the
window you want to test. When you slide
the glass into position, move the glass all
the way into the opening, resting against
the stop location in the back of the open-
ing. Pay attention to the spacer/sash of
your window. Make sure the glass is slid
far enough into the opening so the spacer/
sash is not blocking one of the sensors.
the glass at angles. For the most accurate
transmission measurements, the glass
should be held perpendicular to the sen-
sors. If you are having trouble holding the
instrument opening perpendicular to the
window, slide the instrument toward one of
the sides so the edge of the instrument is
resting against the frame or sash. This
should help stabilize your hand during
measurements. Be aware that fingerprints
on the glass can affect the transmission
values. For the most accurate measure-
ments, clean the area of the window you
will be testing before conducting your mea-
The instrument will continually monitor its
calibration during measurements. If the in-
strument detects any problems with the
calibration, it will reset itself in between
measurements. If the instrument ever
shows values other than 100 in the display
when there is no glass present, pause for
a few seconds and watch as the instru-
ment re-calibrates itself. If you mistakenly
turn the instrument on with a piece of glass
already in position, the displays will cali-
brate to read 100% with the glass in place.
Simply remove the glass sample and wait
a few moments. The displays will show the
word "HI" in the display which means the
measurement is over-scale. The instru-
ment will re-calibrate itself shortly after the
glass is removed. After the displays have
returned to 100%, you may continue with
your measurements.
745 Capital Commons Drive
Toledo, Ohio 43615 USA
PHONE: (419) 861-1030
FAX: (419) 861-1031
© Copyright 2012 Electronic Design to Market, Inc. All rights reserved.
If the frame of your window sample is block-
ing one of the sensors from receiving a sig-
nal, that corresponding display will register
a "0" value. Make sure the frame of your
window sample is not blocking any of the
three sensor locations.
The WP4500 is equipped with a HOLD
feature. Any time the HOLD button is
pushed, the measurements that appeared
on the display at that moment will be locked
on the display until the HOLD button is
pressed again. This feature is very helpful
when the window you are testing may be
in a difficult-to-reach location. This could
also be helpful for testing windows on up-
per floors of buildings where it would be
unsafe to lean out the window to read the
display. To use the feature, simply position
the meter around the window profile you
want to measure. When you have the win-
dow sample perpendicular to the opening,
press the HOLD button and then read the
results on the display. This feature can also
be helpful if you want to hold the values
long enough to write them down or show
them to your customer.
In addition to the SHGC value of your
window, the WP4500 displays energy
transmission values in three spectrums.
The light sources used for each spectrum
have a peak response at the following
Full weighted spectrum:
400 – 700 nm
As mentioned above, the SHGC values
estimated by the WP4500 product are only
valid for clear or Low-E coated glass and
windows. The estimated SHGC value will
always assume the Low-E coating is placed
on surface #2 of the window. Surface #2
is the inward-facing surface of the exterior
piece of glass in a window. Regardless of
how you place the window into the meter
opening, the estimated SHGC value will
always give results as though the Low-E
coating is on surface #2.
glass & air space laser meters,
tempered glass detectors, SHGC,
solar, visible, & uv meters Low-E
type detectors, 4 point sheet resis-
tance meters, tin side detectors,
self-clean coating detectors, sales
kits, temperature guns & sales kit