0 - Deivce is On, LED is OFF; device
is OFF, LED is ON
1 - Device is ON, LED is ON; device
is OFF, LED is OFF
2 - LED always OFF
3 - LED always ON
0 - Dim up/down the light to the
specified level quickly by command
except value 0 and FF
1 - Dim up/down the light ot the
specified level slowly by command
except value 0 and FF
0 - Disable
1 - Enable
0 - Press any button on the switch
1 - Press two times on button and
two times off button, LED will flash
5 times if exclusion is successful
Set the minimum dimmer
threshold when manually or
remotely controlled
1 = 1%
99 = 99%
Set the maximum brightness
threshold when manually remotely
99 = 99%
1 = 1%
Set the default brightness level
that the dimmer will turn on when
being turned on manually
1 = 1%
99 = 99%