The PosiTest LP
thickness less than 500 µm (20 mils). Before performing an
inspection, ensure that the coated surface is fully cured, dry and
free of contaminates.
1. Use clean tap water to wet the test sponge. Squeeze excess
water from the sponge until it no longer drips.
If testing a coating thicker than 250 µm (10 mils), adding a
wetting agent or other low-sudsing surfactant to the water will
reduce the surface tension of the water and promote flow into
2. Connect the ground (earth) wire clip to an uncoated point of
the part to be tested. Plug the ground wire into the ground wire
jack at the bottom of the PosiTest LP .
3. Press the Power
performed on power-up (pg. 6).
If not using the supplied earbud, press the Audio Alarm
to activate the audible alarm.
4. Use the Voltage Selector
test voltage.
5. Check correct operation and alarm status by touching the
sponge to the ground clamp or another uncoated point on the
part. This should complete the electrical circuit and trigger the
LED and audio alarms. If no alarm is noted, check all
connections, wires, battery life indicator and sponge wetness.
6. Place the sponge on the coated surface and ensure the
GroundSense™ coupled indicator LED (pg. 7) remains
illuminated and does not blink. If the LED blinks, do the
• Check the ground wire connections at the ground clamp and
• Attach the ground clip to a different uncoated area on the
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
is typically used on coatings with a measured
button to power-up the unit. A self-test is
button (pg. 7) to set the required