• The airmotor must be lubricated once a day or be-
fore autoclaving using the following procedures:
- Remove the handpiece from airmotor.
- Wipe off the saliva, dirt, etc. stuck to the surface
of the airmotor with an alcohol-soaked soft tissue
or cotton swab.
- Keep the airmotor in a horizontal position and
inject BA ULTIMATE SPRAY for three seconds
through the drive-air hole.
- Install the handpiece onto the airmotor after spray injection.
- Make a trial run for a few seconds, moving the control ring in "F" and
"R" directions several times.
- Wipe down the excess lubricant on the surface of the airmotor with a
soft tissue.
• Never use a wire brush for disinfectants for the surface cleaning.
• Never immerse the airmotor in an ultrasonic cleaner or disinfectant
• Lack of lubrication after use or before autoclaving may cause prema-
ture failure of the airmotor.
An autoclave is recommended for sterilization.
• Before sterilization, clean the surface of the airmotor.
• Lubricate the airmotor, and then make a trial run.
• Remove the handpiece from the airmotor.
• Put the airmotor into a sterilization pouch when using a vacuum type
autoclave. Do not combine it with other instruments in the same
• Autoclave the airmotor at 121 degrees C for 20 minutes or at 134
degrees C for 15 minutes.
• Never use dry heat sterilization, cold sterilization, etc.
• Never autoclave the airmotor together with other items in the same
sterilization pouch.
Service and Repair
This airmotor is a result of precision engineering and cannot be disman-
tled/repaired by the third party. For service and repair, always send it to
either BA International Ltd. or an accredited BA certified service centre
without dismantling it.