Before we begin to use the controls and sliders in the
mixer, you should have a basic knowledge of the components of
the mixer and the signal flow between the various components.
Este Kit es ideal para estudiantes o aficionados a la meca-
Without those basics, you might give the impression that some
trónica ya que permite desarrollar la creatividad en la pro-
controls operate incorrectly or not work: there may be another
gramación de este prototipo de sistema mecatrónico. El Kit
tight control to a position inconsistent.
Apart from that, there are some terms that should familiarize themselves
with, and to be used repeatedly throughout this user manual.
A channel is a mixer section that processes a single audio signal.
Given that the mixer has two channels. Despite signs that both channels
entering the same mixer, remain separate in their respective channels,
allowing process independently before mixing in one channel: the
When a signal of an audio channel enters a mixer, the first thing you do
is go through the gain control.