1. Lift the reformer frame and remove i t from the main box.
2. Remove the protective cardboard and take out the carton containing the upholstery.
3. Inside the carton, you wi l l find the tools necessary to complete the installation of the Pi l ates Reformer.
4. Clean all frames, cart and upholstery wi t h a damp cloth. Place the frame in a place where you want
i t permanently.
5. Install the cart by putting the cart onto the frame wi t h head-rest facing the opposi t e end of the foot
6. Connect the docks at the bottom of the cart.
7. Attach the bracket wi t h five holes under the cart.
8. Hook the spring into the holes. The open end of the hook must face the ground. The bodies of the
springs at the base should be flat between the two wheels.
9. Install the spring bar which is packed together wi t h rest of the tools, by placing i t under the gears
below the foot bar wi t h hooks facing upward.