9. Periodical Maintenance Checks
Perform periodical maintenance checks every three months, referring
to the check sheet below. If any abnormalities are found, contact your
Authorized NSK Dealer.
Points to check
Rotate the motor and check for abnormalities
such as abnormal rotation, vibration, noise, and
10. Classification of equipment
• M ode of operation :
-Intermittent operation (ON:40min, OFF:10min)
11. Symbol
This product is Autoclavable up to Max.135°C.
Conforms to CE European Directive of "Medical equipment
directive 93/42/EEC."
Authorized representative in the European community.
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the
order of a licensed physician.
12. Warranty
NSK products are warranted against manufacturing errors and defects
in materials. NSK reserves the right to analyze and determine the cause
of any problem. Warranty is voided should the product be not used
correctly or for the intended purpose or has been tampered with by
unqualified personnel or has had non NSK parts installed. Replacement
parts are available for seven years beyond discontinuation of the model.