The following list is only intended as an overview of the new
functions of the Firmware V2.xx. Please refer to the ROYALpro
operating instructions for full details.
3.1 Menu: Setup
3.1.1 Transmitter settings (Menu: Setup / Transmitter)
RF-Check is now activated model by model.
It is possible to adjust the capacity setting of the battery in use
(adjustment range: 0 ... 4000 mAh) to ensure that the battery
management system works correctly even with packs of different
capacity. You can also switch the self-discharge rate between
"normal" and "low" to match the battery type in use.
3.1.2 Mixer definition (Menu: Setup / Mixer def.)
There are new mixer options for the mixer inputs, e.g.
"symmetrical 2", "asymmetrical 2".
3.2 Menu: Transmitter controls
3.2.1 Expo
The Expo values for the transmitter controls aileron, elevator
and roll (roll, pitch-axis and yaw) can now be set separately for
each flight phase.
3.2.2 Throttle (fixed-wing models)
Idle trim (Mode) is now switchable: the trim continues to work
right to the end-point (full-throttle) or - new - to the centre-point
(half-throttle) only.
Expo is now also available on the Throttle transmitter control
(identical setting in all flight phases).
3.2.3 Throttle (helicopters)
Curve (throttle curve): can be switched off for electric-powered
helicopters with speed regulator function (governor mode).
Limit: Throttle limiter with Slow function (0 ... 6 sec.), e.g. if
Limiter is assigned as a switch.
3.2.4 Collective pitch curve (helicopters)
The number of collective pitch curve points has been adjusted to
match the number of throttle curve points (five points).
3.2.5 Transmitter control delay (Slow)
The transit time for various transmitter controls can be set to any
value within the range 0 ... 6 sec.
3.3 Menu: Mixers
3.3.1 Fixed-wing models
New options, and completely unrestricted servo assignment. The
new mixer options provide wide-ranging new facilities - please
refer to the operating instructions.
The system features new model-specific transmitter control
mixers for each model memory (separately variable and switch-
able for each flight phase). The Combi-Switch mixer can now be
set up separately for each flight phase.
3.3.2 Helicopters
Three new, additional, non-global compensation mixers for each
model memory, operating at the transmitter control end, and
variable separately for each flight phase.
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co.KG • Westliche Gewerbestraße 1 • D-75015 Bretten (Gölshausen) • www.multiplex-rc.de
«ROYAL pro» Update/Upgrade
3.4 Menu: Servo
In PPM mode the system only switches over to twelve-channel
operation (PPM12) at the Assignment stage when you assign
the 11
servo (
2.4.). This means that you can continue to use
ten-channel PPM receivers.
3.5 Menu: Timer
New alarm tones and warning periods. The interval timer can be
used as a second aggregate (sum) timer. Please refer to the
operating instructions.
3.6 Menu: Memory
3.6.1 Flight phase switching
The transition time between flight phases can now be set to any
of four values (0, 1, 2 or 4 sec.).
3.6.2 Setting up a new model
It is possible to select a servo configuration optimised for PCM
operation (M-PCM). M-PCM is then automatically activated
when you select the appropriate model memory.
3.6.3 Modulation
This menu point only appears if the HFM-S M-PCM/PPM RF
module is installed. In this sub-menu you can choose between
the modulation types PPM and M-PCM.
The Fail-Safe positions in the receiver can be stored from the
3.7 M-PCM
As is the case with all analogue systems, PPM inevitably picks
up background noise at a certain level, which rises steadily with
increasing range. This results in servo jitter even when the dis-
tance between model and transmitter is moderate. Servo jitter is
characteristic of all PPM equipment, although systems such as
MULTIPLEX IPD effectively reduce the phenomenon, albeit at
the cost of reduced resolution and response speed.
MULTIPLEX-PCM (M-PCM) is a digital transmission system. It
transmits twelve high-speed (servo pulse = 16 ms), equal-value
servo channels with 3872 steps (12-bit A/D conversion) using a
newly developed encoding process. With a PCM system the
noise level has no influence on the accuracy of the servo signals
right up to the limit of range. System resolution, centring
accuracy and therefore precision of control remain at a con-
stantly high level until the range limit is reached, whereas these
parameters constantly diminish towards the limit of range when
PPM and IPD receivers are used. However, when the range limit
is reached, reception fails more quickly and with substantially
less prior warning than is the case with PPM. Another advantage
of the digital encoding process is that the Hold and Fail-Safe
features of an M-PCM system work much more accurately and
reliably than is possible with PPM - even with IPD receivers.
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