by pulling it out (7b).
Place the frontbar by sliding the connection parts on the rail
that is placed on the central connection part (8a).
adjustment of the frontbar. to adjust the frontbar push
the buttons on both sides simultaneously and rotate to the
desired angle (8b).
take the seatframe with your hands placed on the central plastic
connector and place the seat to the engaging pins on the frame until
the locking mechanism on both sides audibly and visibly click into
place (9a).
reMoVIng the Seat FroM the FraMe
to remove the seat from the frame you have to push the unlock
buttons on both sides of the central connection part and lift the unit
vertically (9b).
you can place the seat in 2 directions, facing forward or facing the
parent (9c). Check that the seat is securely fit by lifting the seat.
adJuStIng the Seat heIght
to adjust the height of the seat or pram, unlock the lock
handles on both sides of the height-adjustment (9d). Move
the seat or pram to the desired position until the locking
mechanism on both sides audibly and visibly clicks into place
(9e). Check that the seat or pram is securely fit by lifting the
seat or pram.
Warning - do not try to adjust the height when a child is in
the seat or pram.
adJuStIng the BaCKreSt
to adjust the backrest pull the handle on the back of the seat
unit and bring the back of the seat to the desired position
adJuStMentS oF the FootreSt
to adjust the footrest push the buttons on both sides
simultaneously and rotate to the desired angle (10a).
adjustment of the footrest height to adjust the height of
the footrest for a bigger child, simply remove the footrest
cushion and store it in the basket (10b).
the seat has a built in raincover hidden on the back of the
footrest. open the zipper on the back of the footrest and
takeout the raincover (11a). Connect the top of the raincover
around the frontbar with the three snapbuttons (11b).
5-PoInt SaFety BeLt
Begin by fitting and locking the crutch strap and the waist strap.
then fit the shoulder straps and hook them into the waist strap (12).
adjust the straps to fit your child. Warning Ð to prevent injury always
secure your child with the safety belt!
FIttIng the SoFtCarrIer
Place the Pocco seat facing the child to the parent (13a). to fit the
softcarrier you have to remove the frontbar by sliding the frontbar
upwards. Lift the footrest until horizontal position. Lower the back of
the seat to the lowest position. now place the sofcarrier into the seat
unit and connect the clips on the side of the softcarrier to the d-rings
in the seatunit (13c). adjust the canopy to the desired position.
PLaCIng the LIFeSaVer CarSeat
Place the Lifesaver carseat to the engaging pins on the
frame, with child facing the parent. unlock the red button on
the handle and rotate the handle to the back until the locking
mechanism on both sides audibly and visibly click into place.
Check that the carseat is securely fit by lifting the carseat.