Interface for second water temperature or oil pressure
To operate a second water temperature or oil pressure gauge (slave
instrument) with only one (single) sensor fitted in the engine block.
Interface for high coolant temperature warning system.
To operate a warning lamp and/or buzzer for high coolant tempera
ture with only one (single) sensor fitted in the engine block.
Interface for low oil pressure warning system.
To operate a warning lamp and/or buzzer for low oil pressure with
only one (single) sensor mounted in the engine block.
Interface for warning system for full waste water tank.
To operate a warning light and/or buzzer to activate indicating a
virtually full waste water tank, with a float fitted in the waste water
Interface for second water temperature gauge with
warning system for high coolant temperature warning system.
For operating a second temperature gauge (slave instrument) as
well as a warning lamp and/or buzzer for high coolant temperature
with only one (single) sensor fitted in the engine block.
Interface for second oil pressure gauge with low pres-
sure warning system.
For operating a second oil pressure gauge (slave instrument) as well
as a warning lamp and/or buzzer for low oil pressure with one (sin
gle) sensor fitted in the engine block.
With all warning system interfaces, the warning level can be set on
the interface.
The maximum current for a warning lamp and/or buzzer is 200 mA.
All interfaces are suitable for 12 and 24 Volts.
Trim potentiometer
The interface can be fitted to the gauge after it has been mounted
in the dashboard. Note the connections to the gauge (drawing 1).
Connect the interface as shown in the diagram.
The warning systems are set to give a visible/audible warning in the
following cases at 12 Volts:
EP46845 and EP46847
: At a coolant temperature of 98 degrees
: When the waste water tank is virtually
EP46846 and EP46848
: At an oil pressure of 0.5 Bar and less.
If a different setting is required, or when the ship has a 24 Volt ship's
power supply, proceed as follows:
EP46845, EP46847 and EP412326:
Switch off the supply voltage.
Take the sensor wire off the 'SENSOR' connection and connect a
500 Ohm potentiometer between the 'SENSOR' and (negative)
connections (drawing 2).
Turn the trim potentiometer on the interface to the right.
Switch the supply voltage on and adjust the 500 Ohm potmeter
so that the temperature is at the value you want the alarm acti
Now turn the potmeter on the interface to the left until the warn
ing lamp and/or buzzer operate.
Turn the 500 Ohm potmeter and check that the alarm switches
on at the correct temperature.
Switch the supply voltage off and take off the 500 Ohm potmeter
and reconnect the sensor wire.
EP46846 and EP46848:
Switch off the supply voltage.
Take the sensor wire off the 'SENSOR' connection and connect a
500 Ohm potentiometer between the 'SENSOR' and (negative)
connections (drawing 2).
Turn the trim potentiometer on the interface to the right.
Switch the supply voltage on and adjust the 500 Ohm potmeter
so that the pressure is at the value you want the alarm activated.
Now turn the potmeter on the interface to the left until the warn
ing lamp and/or buzzer operate.
Turn the 500 Ohm potmeter and check that the alarm switches
on at the correct pressure.
Switch the supply voltage off and take off the 500 Ohm potmeter
and reconnect the sensor wire.