aUtOmatiC CaliBratiOn
A lot of modern AV amplifiers and receivers provide the option of automatic system calibration via micro-
phone. Calibration is advisable as the levels and distances of all the loudspeakers are determined automati-
cally and, depending on the calibration system, the frequency responses of the connected speakers are also
corrected in order to compensate for poor room acoustics. Please read the user guide for your AV amplifier or
receiver in this regard.
The lacquered surface is best cleaned with a mild household cleaner. On no account use furniture polish or
similar products on these surfaces.
HOW tO aVOiD DamaGe tO YOUr ValUaBle SPeaKerS
All MAGNAT loudspeakers are designed and built for optimum sound reproduction with the tone controls in
the central position – i.e. with "linear" amplifier output. Turning up the bass and treble controls too far delivers
more power to the woofers and/or tweeters, and at high volumes this can actually destroy the speaker units!
If the output of your amplifier is significantly higher than the rated power handling capacity of your speakers
extremely high volumes can physically destroy your speakers. This doesn't actually happen often but you
should be aware that it is possible.
Weak amplifiers with low output ratings can actually be more dangerous for your speakers at medium volumes
because weak amplifiers may overload much faster than powerful ones and this causes measurable and audi-
ble distortion, which is extremely dangerous to your loudspeakers.
Always turn the volume down immediately as soon as you hear distortion! If you like listening to loud music
make sure that your amplifier can deliver at least as much power as the speakers' power-handling rating.
tHe SOUnD YOU Can't Hear...
Amplifiers, tuners and CD players can all produce inaudible high-frequency signals – and this doesn't only
apply to cheap products. If your tweeters fail at low or medium volumes you should have a qualified technician
check your system components for dangerous inaudible signals.
SPeCiFiCatiOnS - aeH 400-atm
Power-handling capacity:
Frequency response:
Recommended amplifier output:
Efficiency (1W/1m):
Dimensions (WxHxD):
SUBJeCt tO teCHniCal CHanGe
2-way closed
50 / 120 W
6 ohms
45 – 37 000 Hz
> 20 W
89 dB
280 x 150 x 188 mm