Disconnect power supply before servicing.
The CFM is too great.
The damper is damaged or not working properly.
The bend in the duct is too close to the fan discharge.
The fan discharge is reduced to t a smaller duct.
The fan body is not attached securely.
There is insuf cient air ow intake in the room.
There is insuf cient CFM.
Be sure the CFM rating on the fan matches the square
footage of your room.
Check the damper to ensure it is opening and closing
properly. If the damper has become damaged, please call
Customer Service.
Be sure you do not have any sharp bends in the duct closer
than 18 in. to the fan discharge.
Use the recommended size ducting to reduce fan noise.
Be sure the fan is securely attached to the ceiling joists.
Be sure a door or window is slightly ajar or opened to allow
air ow. The fan is not able to draw air out of the room without
enough air ow to draw from.
Be sure the CFM rating on the fan matches the requirements
for your room size.
Using a tissue is not the correct method for
determining if the fan is operating properly. If the fan
clears steam from the room within approximately 15
minutes of completeing your shower, then the fan is
operating properly