Bedwetting alarm ready for nightly use
At bedtime, the Mickey bedwetting alarm is switched on, the Uriflex sensor
briefs are put on and the transmitter is attached to them. Place the receiver
within the range of a few meters at a location in the bedroom that you like
best. The only condition is that the user really needs to get out of bed to
turn off the alarm! The user must wake entirely and should not be able to
switch off the alarm subconsciously.
Then the alarm goes off...
As soon as the first drops of urine reach the briefs, the alarm will sound
immediately. The user awakes up and in a reflex, the sphincter of the
bladder closes. The user gets out of bed, first unplugs the transmitter from
the sensor briefs and subsequently switches off the alarm by pressing the
red button on top of the receiver. Now, the user finishes urinating on the
toilet. After putting on a pair of clean sensor briefs and snapping the
transmitter back on, the user can drift back off to sleep.
Important: All of this must happen in a conscious state!
It is crucial that the user is awake and fully aware of all the actions taking
place, from waking up and urinating on the toilet to putting on a clean pair
of sensor briefs. It may be desirable that a parent or guardian temporarily
sleeps in the same room as the user, to make to sure the user immediately
responds to the alarm.
Immediate responding to the alarm is definitely the key to success. Only
then will the necessary reflex of waking up be encouraged and developed.
The user must wake up because of the alarm. The alarm only sounds when
the first drops of urine reach the sensor briefs. This is the critical moment
the user is training to get ahead of. If, for example, you wake up the user
at any time during the night to urinate, he/she won't develop an automatic
reflex. By using the Uriflex bedwetting alarm every night, the user will start
waking up on time by him/herself after already a few weeks.
Completing the scorecard together every morning
Every morning a sticker is placed on the supplied scorecard and you write
down how many points have been earned that night. Or you write down
how well the night went. This of course has a very stimulating effect,