The RELAY CONNECTION. LOAD: The module outputs use a relay device electrically isolated from the rest of the circuit that supports loads that do
not exceed 5 A. The relay is a component that subministre tension, but their role is limited to give way or cut the electrical flow that is introduced
through his contacts in the same way that occurs in a common switch. Therefore, to supply the load through this device.
The relay has three output terminals: the Common, the rest normally open (NO) and normally closed quiescent (NC). Install it between the Common
and the NO. Additionally, you can perform the inverse function, place the load between the Common and the NC.
La connexion RELAIS. LOAD: Les sorties du module utilisent un dispositif de relais isolé électriquement du reste du circuit qui supporte des charges
qui ne dépassent pas 5 A. Le relais est un composant qui subministre tension, mais leur rôle se limite à céder ou réduire le flux électrique qui est
introduit à travers ses contacts de la même manière que se produit dans un commutateur commun. Par conséquent, pour alimenter la charge à
travers ce dispositif.
Le relais dispose de trois terminaux de sortie: le commun, le reste normalement ouvert (NO) et normalement fermés au repos (NC). Installez la charge
entre le Commun et le NO. En outre, vous pouvez exécuter la fonction inverse, placez la charge entre le Commun et le NC.
CONEXION del RELE. CARGA : La salidas del módulo emplean un relé, dispositivo aislado eléctricamente del resto del circuito que admite cargas
que no superen los 5 A. El relé no es un componente que subministre tensión, sino que su función se limita a dar paso o cortar el flujo eléctrico que le
sea introducido a través de sus contactos, del mismo modo que ocurre en un interruptor común. Por ello, deberá alimentar la carga a través de este
El relé dispone de tres terminales de salida: el Común, el Normalmente abierto en reposo (NO), y el Normalmente cerrado en reposo, (NC). Realice la
instalación entre el Común y el NO. Adicionalmente, podrá realizar la conexión inversa del relé, instalando la carga entre el Común y el NC.
Considerations on the RELAY: Especially with inductive loads, a relay output can produce a fluctuation, apportionment, or an incorrect operation. If
this happens, install an anti-spark circuit between the two contacts of the relay used in the connection, which ensures absorption peak current that
causes the above problem. If the load connected to the relay 230you must to use 1 capacitor type X2 of 100nF/400V. and resistor 47. ½ W. If the load is
supplied at 12 or 24 V, remove the resistor and install only between the two relay contacts X2 type capacitor. You must test with values b etween 10nF
and 47nF to the fluctuation disappears.
Considérations sur le relais : notamment avec des charges inductives, une sortie relais peuvent produire une fluctuation, la répartition, ou un
fonctionnement incorrect. Si c'est le cas, installez un circuit anti-étincelle entre les deux contacts du relais utilisés dans la connexion, ce qui garantit
courant de pic d'absorption qui cause le problème ci-dessus. Si la charge connectée au relais 230 est alimenté V. J'ai utilisé une 100nF/400 type X2
Capacitor V. et d'une résistance 47. ½ W. Si la charge est alimentée à 12 ou 24 V, retirez la résistance et installer uniquement entre les deux contacts
de relais Type X2 condensateur. Vous devez tester avec des valeurs comprises entre 10nF et 47nF à la fluctuation disparaît.
CONSIDERACIONES sobre el RELE : Especialmente con cargas inductivas, una salida a relé puede producir una fluctuación, rateo, o un incorrecto
funcionamiento. Si esto ocurre, instale un circuito anti-chispas entre los dos contactos del relé utilizados en la conexión, que asegurará la absorción del
pico de corriente que origina el citado problema. Si la carga conectada al relé del circuito se alimenta a 230 V. empleé un Condensador tipo X2 de
100nF/400 V. y una resistencia de 47 . ½ W. Si la carga se alimenta a 12 o 24 V, elimine la resistencia e instale solamente entre los dos contactos del
relé un condensador de tipo X2 . Deberá probar con valores entre 10nF y 47nF hasta que la fluctuación desaparezca.
INDICATORS: There are four LED indicators on the circuit, each of which can assume the display of various functions.
Led Pwr. (Red). Remains lit while the module is powered.
Led Tone. (Green). Will light when receiving a dtmf tone.
Led Prg. (Red). Remain lit while the circuit is in program mode (password or relays), deactivated in the standard operating mode.
Led Pass. (Yellow). If it is lit, it indicates that the receiver operates with password. Otherwise remain apagado.l
Leds Ld1 to Ld8. (Green). Will illuminate while the corresponding output is activated, the pair disconnecting it.
OPERATION : Every time you receive the appropriate DTMF code to a transmitter button , the circuit the process and activate the corresponding output.
If the active module has access through password before each output number , you must enter the password .
Tones corresponding to the keys 1-8 independently activate the corresponding output , disconnecting the timing pass that were scheduled to be selected
from a minimum of 1 sec and a maximum of 250 sec , if set as bistable will remain activated until which again send the same number of output at which
is disconnected , or if they were configured as monostable , will remain activated while pressing the corresponding key of the issuer.
When any output is activated , both in single, double as a timer , a new tone control will deactivate itself , serving individually reset .
The tone corresponding to the key 0 simultaneously disconnect all active outputs , regardless of its configuration , providing a common reset .
The tones * and # not influence the output connection , but are used in programming codes password and exits programming .