Mapping a Drive
You can use the d-link storage utility to map drives to your computer.
Insert the sharecenter shadow cd into your cd-Rom drive.
Step 1: click Storage Utility. the
storage utility will load and detect any
sharecenter shadow devices that are
on the local network. If the sharecenter
shadow you would like to map does
not show up in the device list, click
Step 2: H i g h l i g h t a n a v a i l a b l e
sharecenter shadow. available
volumes will be displayed under drive
mapping. Highlight the volume you
want to map. select an available drive
letter from the drop-down menu and
click Connect. once connected, your
mapped drive(s) will appear in my
Step 3: d o u b l e - c l i c k t h e M y
Computer icon on your desktop.
double-click on the mapped drive to
access the files and folders.