2. Add Seed Pods
• Insert Seed Pods into openings in Grow Deck.
• Seed Pod Labels often identify plant height to assist with placement. Look for height noted on Labels.
• Plants grow best and look best if medium or tall plants are in back openings, and short plants are in
front openings (see diagram).
• Seed Pod Kits for Tomatoes and Peppers often include both Seed Pods and Plant Spacers. Plant Spacers
allow your Tomato/Pepper plants ample room to grow.
• DO NOT remove Labels from Seed Pods. The labels identify the plant type and plant height, show the
germination time, and inhibit algae growth.
3. Add Grow Domes
• Place a Grow Dome over each Seed Pod.
• Grow Domes rest on Seed Pods and may not 'snap' into place.
Also, it is not necessary for Grow Domes to cover any Plant Spacers in your AeroGarden.
• Leave Grow Domes on the Seed Pods until plants have sprouted and
their leaves nearly touch the domes.
• Once removed, Grow Domes may be reused/recycled.
4. Add Nutrients
• Nutrient instructions are printed on the packaging, as well as in the Seed Pod Kit Instructions booklet.
Read and follow the instructions carefully!
• Use only the recommended amount of Liquid Nutrient.
• Add nutrient directly into Bowl when first planting your Seed Pod Kit, and when the 'Add Nutrient'
reminder activates (every 2 weeks).
• Do not overfeed! More isn't better. Too much nutrient may be harmful to your plants.