Using a Green Laser to Program LutronR
Ceiling and Wall-Mounted Devices
Several LutronR ceiling and wall-mounted devices have the ability to have their features accessed using a green laser
operated from floor level. This feature allows the installer or maintenance person to avoid using a ladder while doing
set-up or maintenance activities. This feature can be found on the following products:
Radio Powr SavrT Daylight Sensor (model LRF2-DCRB)
Radio Powr SavrT Occupancy/Vacancy Ceiling Sensor (model LRFX-OCR2B-P, LRFX-OCRB-P)
Radio Powr SavrT Vacancy Ceiling Sensor (model LRF2-VCR2B-P)
Radio Powr SavrT Occupancy/Vacancy Wall Sensor (model LRFX-OWLB-P, LRFX-OHLB-P, LRFX-OKLB-P)
Radio Powr SavrT Vacancy Wall Sensor (model LRF2-VWLB-P, LRF2-VHLB-P, LRF2-VKLB-P)
This application note details using a green laser as a substitute for button presses on the ceiling and
wall-mounted products.
Green laser specifications:
Wave output: constant
Wavelength: 532 nM
Output power: 5 mW maximum
Radio Powr SavrT Daylight Sensor
Follow the installation guide included with the product, with the exceptions
noted below:
To associate the sensor with compatible Lutron products:
1. During sensor set-up: Skip the step to press and hold the "Link"
button on the front of the sensor for approximately 6 seconds.
2. I nstead, turn on the laser and pass the beam over the hole in the
sensor. The sensor's lens LED will flash rapidly, then blink once per
3. O nce the sensor is flashing once per second, pass the beam of
the laser over the hole in the sensor again within 10 seconds. This
initiates the association command. The sensor's lens LED will flash
rapidly. For expected response upon completion of association, refer
to your specific product documentation.
Note: If the laser is not passed over the sensor hole again within the
10-second window, the unit reverts to normal operation.
4. T he sensor automatically goes into Calibration Mode at this point.
To calibrate the sensor to the base unit(s), follow the calibration
procedure in your product documentation.
To exit calibration mode, wait for the 10-second timeout.
(continued on Page 2)
Application Note #407
Technical Support — 800.523.9466 (USA)
+44.(0)20.7680.4481 (Europe)
Revision C
December 2012
Hole in sensor