In order to meet the specific functional requirements, a distinction is
made in the following between "precharging circuit" for the
"sinusoidal feedback" function and "network connection" for the
"block-shaped feedback" function.
4.1 EMC information
The AEC is designed according to the requirements and limit values of product
norm EN 61800-3 with an interference immunity factor (EMI) for operation in
industrial applications. Electromagnetic interference is to be avoided by expert
installation and observation of the specific product information.
Install the mains unit and its components (radio interference filter, line
choke, sine filter) on a metal mounting plate, ensuring full-surface contact
with the plate. Ideally, the mounting plate should be galvanized, not
Provide proper equipotential bonding within the system or plant. Plant
components such as control cabinets, control panels, machine frames, etc.
must be connected by means of PE cables.
Connect the shield of the control cables to ground potential properly, i.e.
with good conductivity, on both sides (shield clamp). Mount shield clamps
for cable shields close to the unit.
Connect the mains unit and its components to a grounding point via short
Avoid excessive cable length and loosely suspended cabling.
Contactors, relays and solenoid valves in the control cabinet must be
provided with suitable interference suppression components.
Quick Start Guide AEC