Public Streets and Roadways
Your scooter is a sophisticated motorized vehicle. As with any type of vehicle, it is the responsibility of the user
to contribute to his/her own safety by adhering to applicable state and local traffi c laws, as well as those laws
set forth specifi cally for operation of personal mobility devices. In addition, scooter users should be courteous to
fellow pedestrians and follow basic safety rules when traveling in high-risk areas, such as busy intersections, on
sidewalks, and in parking lots.
■ Avoid operating your scooter on public streets and roadways intended for automotive traffi c, such as cars,
trucks, and buses. Your scooter is rated for outdoor use on bicycle paths and other similar roadways intended
for low-speed personal mobility devices. Refer to the code of practice for personal mobility vehicles in your
region for more information.
■ Obey all pedestrian traffi c signals and signs.
■ Remain visible to all traffi c with use of safety equipment such as refl ectors, lights, and safety fl ags.
■ Reduce your speed and give an audible signal before passing fellow pedestrians on sidewalks.
■ Drive on the shoulder of the road or as close as possible to the curb when an adequate sidewalk does not exist.
■ Stop and search for any oncoming traffi c before crossing a roadway or intersection.
■ Stay alert for vehicles entering/exiting parking spaces when navigating through parking lots.
WARNING! In most states, scooters are not legal for use on public roads. Be alert to the danger
of motor vehicles on roads or in parking lots to avoid any risk of severe injury or death.
WARNING! You should not operate your scooter on public streets and roadways intended for
cars, trucks, and other large automotive vehicles. Be aware that it may be diffi cult for traffi c to
see you when you are seated on your scooter. Obey all local pedestrian traffi c rules. Wait until
your path is clear of traffi c, and then proceed with extreme caution. We strongly recommend
the use of safety equipment, such as refl ectors/refl ective clothing, lights, and safety fl ags.
Contact your authorized Dealer for information on the availability of these safety accessories.
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