Attach handle to the four holes on
the side of the unit using four (4)
Screws, Washers and Nuts.
Note: Handle comes in three (3)
pieces. When assembling handle
make sure to have the side with the
finger groves towards the inside,
so they are facing the cart. Lightly
tap each bracket into handle using
rubber mallet.
To attach the Height-Adjustable Legs, (Part B) we recommend using a
floor jack. Place a thick piece of wood between the jack and frame to
protect from damage. Start with the stationary casters (It is important that
the 4 other casters are in the "LOCKED" position before lifting the cart
so it does not move!). Lift the cart only high enough so that the casters
can easily be removed. Unscrew the caster bolts and attach the Height-
Adjustable Legs using the same hardware. When completed, set the cart
down carefully and repeat on the opposite side.
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