Radio-wave Tool Setter RWT35.50
Activation Code and Time-Out Adjustment
With 3 available activation codes, „A" / „B" / „C", it is possible to operate up to 3 systems with one receiver.
The receiver sends the selected activation code and expect only signals from the selected activation code.
Every activation code is available with the respective time-out adjustment „Radio-wave OFF" and „3min".
When using the setting „Radio-wave OFF", the measuring system must be deactivated by the receiver with
an M-Code!
When using the setting „3min", the measuring system must also be deactivated with an M-Code, but in case of a
failure during deactivation the probe will be automatically deactivated after 3min!
The „1" in front of the activation code shows that the time-out is activated, the „0" that it is deactivated!
In the display:
= 0.A. → Time-out is deactivated („Radio-wave OFF") / Activation code „A"
= 1.C. → Time-out is activated („3 min") / Activation code „C"
Factory Setting
Display shows the
activation code and
status of time-out
Attention – Safety advice!
Under no circumstances 2 or more
systems may be set up on the same
channel using the same activation
Activation Code
Ensure the Tool Setter is off.
Press the button until the channel
is displayed.
Deflect the stylus until the
desired activation code is displayed.
Do not operate the button and stylus again.
Display shuts off after 5 sec.
Activation code is now adjusted!
Radio-wave OFF
Radio-wave OFF
Radio-wave OFF
3 min
3 min
3 min