You can use the mixer in may different ways, so we recommend follow this points
to achieve a high quality and get the best from the equipment:
1.- Turn down all input and output gain controls.
2.- Before to turn the mixer on, connect phantom powered microphones.
3.- If you have an amplifier connected to the mixer, set the volume level lower.
4.- Plug the speakers or headphones on the right inputs.
5.- Connect the microphones.
6.- Switch the mixer on.
7.- Increase the volume level slowly, when the peaks LED lights on, low the volume
level to get the best quality sound.
8.- If the audio signal is too loud, the red light of the output level starts to blink.
Decrease the volume level to avoid noise and distortion.
The factory setting is Post-Fader, so the sent level to the auxiliar bus will be
controlled by the Main Level.
To change the configuration to Pre-Fader, in this case, go with a technician.
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