Step 1.
Find a suitable
location for the camera
(see above)
Step 4.
Plug the camera
USB cable into the ESD
controller (plug 6) - any
of the two USB ports will
Step 2.
Ensure the USB
cable can be routed from
the camera to the ESD
controller on the top of
the car
Positioning the camera
The camera is a wide angle lens so
should be able to see the entire car
The camera can be positioned
anywhere in the car but it should face
away from any mirrors
How the wire can be fed to the top of
the car needs to be taken into account
If possible use an existing opening to
avoid drilling into the ceiling
If there are no mirrors place the camera
at the front corner of the elevator facing
away from the door
Step 3.
Position and
mount the camera at a
suitable angle required
for the installation (see
diagrams below)