First of all the RF output should be connected to the spectrum analyser input
using the supplied coaxial cable. The signal source or the test antenna should then be
connected to the down converter RF input to finally activate the spectrum analyser
power supply. If the CV-589 is used with TV EXPLORER or HD RANGER range of
spectrum analysers, the drain indication on the analyser will confirm that the down
converter is active.
In order to view the full 5.6 — 5.9 GHz band the recommended settings on the
spectrum analyser are 300 MHz span, 1550 MHz centre frequency and 90 dBμV
reference level. This will display the 1400 to 1700 MHz on the analyser providing a
good and practical overview of the full 5.6 — 5.9 GHz range.
Signals used in many of those applications have complex modulation schemes
such us DQPSK for instance (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) and may not
be present in the channel all the time or may have suppressed carrier. In such cases it
is very helpful to use the MAX HOLD or MIN HOLD function on the spectrum analyser.
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