The EZ Pro
Jr. Indoor 8200 Series can be easily mounted indoors. Find a
location near a 120V receptacle (230/240V for 8274, 8276, and 8279 models).
Install the EZ Pro
the wall and adjust the depth for a snug fit when the controller is suspended
on the screw. Remove the wiring skirt and suspend the controller on the first
mounting screw and insert and tighten the second screw through the lower hole
provided in the case (pre-drilled or anchors as necessary).
Low Voltage Wiring
Low voltage output cables should be enclosed in conduit affixed near the
controller. (For field connection, AC wires must have an insulation rated at
75° C minimum). Conduit should be secured near the case (follow local codes).
Field wiring is best accomplished with the AC disconnected from the unit.
Terminal Strip
All zone, pump and sensor wire connections made inside the EZ Pro
utilize screw type connectors that require a small screwdriver. The terminal
strips in the controller accept 12 AWG (2.1mm) wire or smaller. (See figure 1)
Connecting Master Valve or Pump-Start Relay
The EZ Pro
Jr. Indoor is equipped with a shared circuit to operate either a
pumpstart relay or a master valve. Connect one wire from the pump-start relay
to COM (common) on terminal strip, the other to PMP/MV (pump/master valve)
on the terminal strip. Refer to the pump-start relay manufacturer's instructions
for specific installation details. (See figure 1)
Jr. Indoor near eye level if possible. Install the top screw in
Jr. Indoor