Enter the gateway address, it should be in the same subnet
with your IP address.
MAC Address
The physical address of the AP, as seen from the LAN. The
value can't be changed.
If you change the IP Address, you must use the new IP
If you change the IP Address, you must use the new IP
Address to login the AP.
Address to login the AP.
If the new LAN IP Address you set is not in the same
If the new LAN IP Address you set is not in the same
subnet, the IP Address pool in the DHCP server will not
subnet, the IP Address pool in the DHCP server will not
take effect until they are re-confi gured.
take effect until they are re-confi gured.
If you select "Dynamic IP", the DHCP Server in this device
If you select "Dynamic IP", the DHCP Server in this device
will not startup.
will not startup.