A. Water inlet: the pump must be connected to the water inlet by means of a flexible tube.
B. "Vortex" system: under gravity, suspended solids and sludge are separated.
C. Mechanical filter: when the water passes through the sponge the dirt particles are stopped.
D. Biological filtration: the pores of the filtering sponges have an elevated internal surface that bacteria can colonize. The supplied sponges differ in density
creating areas in which water can flow at different speeds. High flow zones favor the colonization of nitrifying microorganisms (convert ammonium into
nitrate), while areas with low flow velocity favor the colonization of denitrifying anaerobic microorganisms (reduce nitrate into nitrogen). In the lower
basket, bioballs are present to further increase the surface of bacterial infiltration.
E. Sterilization and clarification of water: as the water drains, it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the UVC lamp. This kills germs and bacteria and
inhibits the growth of suspended green algae.
E1. UVC lamp operation indicator
F. Water outlet: the filtered and clarified water is fed back into the pond by means of a flexible pipe or a stream / waterfall.
G. Filter backwash output: when cleaning the filter, a pipe can be connected to this fitting to drain the dirty water.
H. Function selector: the selector is used to activate the automatic filter cleaning and switch the water outlet to the drain.
-Selector oriented towards (FIG.2 F): water filtration.
-Selector oriented towards (FIG.2 G): automatic cleaning and backwashing.
I. Engine: when the function selector is in the cleaning and backwashing position, an acoustic signal will warn you that the automatic filter cleaning is
active and the light (FIG.2 E1) will show the red color. After three minutes the filter will emit a prolonged sound to signal that the cleaning process is over.
Then return the selector to the filtration position.
The filter can be placed partially buried (be careful as it must be possible to open the filter easily and at any time) or resting on a smooth and solid
surface. The filter works under pressure so it does not need to be raised above the water level but in any case according to current legislation on electronic
equipment must be placed at least two meters from the water and in an area protected from falls, splashes d 'water or flooding.
Once the filter is positioned, connect the tube coming from the pump (pump and pipe are not supplied) to the corresponding fitting (FIG.2 A). Then
connect a pipe to the outlet (FIG.2 F) so that the water can return to the pond without hindrance. If necessary, already connect a pipe to the backwash
use (FIG.2 G). It is advisable to firmly fasten the pipes using clamps commonly available on the market.
Make sure that the function selector (FIG.2 H) is in the water filtration position. When everything is plugged in turn the pump on and check for leaks in
the system. Only then connect the power plug to start the UVC lamp which will have to work permanently, 24 hours a day.
The filter must be cleaned regularly. In case of a new installation, the pressure filter reaches its full biological cleaning efficiency only after a few weeks.
The bacterial activity begins only at temperatures higher than 10 ° C
The particles of suspended dirt settle over time in the filter sponges. Bacterial flocculations also contribute to the formation of sewage sludge. These
deposits reduce the flow of water and therefore the effectiveness of the filter. For this reason the filter sponges must be cleaned regularly, approximately
every 1-2 weeks. Signals that the sponges must be cleaned can be a reduction in the flow, the exit of dirty water from the filter or when the red indicator
placed in the function selector (FIG.2 H) rises.
1. Turn the function selector (FIG.2 H) clockwise.
2. The filter will automatically be switched to cleaning mode. The cleaning gear starts by compressing the sponges to obtain mechanical cleaning of the
same. The dirt is removed by the backwash action.
3. When clean water is seen to come out of the backwash outlet, turn the function selector (FIG.2 H) counterclockwise to return to filtration mode. The
filter is now clean.
Important: if the water flow is too weak due to clogged filter sponges and can not be improved through automatic cleaning, you have to clean them
manually or replace them. Proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the filter power plug.
2. Turn off the pump that supplies the filter and disconnect the power plug.
3. Open the closing clamp (FIG.1A N ° 16 and FIG.1B N ° 20).
4. Lift the filter cover up and place it upside down on a clean surface. The filter sponges will then be facing upwards.
5. Remove the sponge fastening system (FIG.1A N ° 15-14-13) and (FIG.1B N ° 16-15-14).
6. Remove the filter sponges to be replaced or cleaned.