Using Your Bucket Balance
Place the buckets
securely into
the notches on
each end of the
balance arm.
Place the balance on
a clean, fl at surface.
Place items in the buckets carefully. If
the arm moves suddenly with a large
increase in weight, the compensator
clips may slide, or the whole balance
could tip.
After weighing and comparing the items in the two buckets, the
child can carefully slide the comparison indicator to show greater
than, equal to, or less than.
Nestable Bucket Balance
Slide the compensator clips until the
arrow in the center of the balance arm
aligns with the arrow on the base. This is
how you "zero" the balance. (Check this
before each use.)
When using liquids
with your Nestable
Bucket Balance,
remove the bucket
from the balance
arm before pouring
in the liquid. This will
prevent spills and
make it easier to
measure the liquid
from the side at
eye level.