Air fi lter
Clean the air fi lter grille (P) on a bi-
weekly basis.
Pull out the air fi lter with grille (P)
carefully on its handle.
Clean the fi lter with grille (P) with
a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush.
If necessary, clean the fi lter under
running water.
Let the fi lter with grille (P) dry.
Reassemble the fi lter (P) into the housing.
Drain pump fi lter
Remove the water tank (O). On the right side in the interior of the
housing, there is the drain pump fi lter.
Carefully clamp the fi lter down.
Clean the fi lter with a suitable tool (e.g a brush or a waterproof
vacuum cleaner) which will not push the dirt inside the fi lter.
Pull the fi lter up again and place the water tank into the housing.
Drain all water out of the product and let it dry.
Store the product in its original packaging in a dry area. Keep away
from children and pets.
Avoid any vibrations and shocks.