The bike is adjusted and lubricated at the factory. It is not recommended that the user should attempt to carry out any
work on the internal components, but should contact the service department. However, from time to time the external
surfaces may appear dirty, follow the instructions given to preserve their original condition.
The bike can be cleaned with a damp cloth and a mild, non-abrasive detergent. Do not use solvents, sprays,
aerosols or pumps as these will leave wax residue on the surface of the screen.
From time to time, the screen surface will have finger marks or dust on it. The use of harsh chemicals will damage
its protective coating and create static energy that will damage the components. This surface should be cleaned
with special chemical preparations which are sold in computer shops and which are especially for anti-static
surfaces. We recommend the use of these products.
The safety of the equipment is maintained if its condition, damage and wear are checked regularly.
The bike must be moved and moved with care to avoid injury.
The brake part is the part that wears out most easily. Before using the bike, check that the brake system is in
good working order.
Lubricate moving parts with light oil periodically to prevent premature wear.
Check that fasteners are tightened securely.
Carefully inspect the parts most susceptible to wear.
Replace defective parts immediately.
Keep the device out of operation until it is repaired.
Please check that all safety labels are in good condition and can be read. If any are missing or damaged, contact
your dealer to order new ones.
Stand in front of the bike and tilt it towards you to transport the equipment through the wheels on its base.
Store the equipment in a clean and dry interior. Never leave or use the unit outdoors.