I. Assembly
(minimum of two people required)
Note: Prepare a clean area for assembling the apparatus.
1 - Installing the board (1) onto the rocking frame (2):
- Select the board (1) attaching direction (lengthwise as shown by Fig. 1 or widthwise as shown by Fig. 2), depending
on the requirement.
- Secure it using screws (4) + (5) + (6).
Figure 1
2 - Installing the platform onto the apparatus upright (upper upright on asymmetric
bars with stays, or onto the ring frame Ref.: 3700):
- Important: this equipment should never be installed on rounded uprights. You are
strongly advised against installing it onto the high bar for training (Ref.: 3210B -
3125B), as the platform restricts the useful adjustment range of the apparatus.
- Position and hold the platform at the desired height against the apparatus upright.
- Fix the assembly using the tightening plates (7) and screws (8), (17) and (9):
moderately tighten to prevent distorting the apparatus upright.
9 17
II. Maintenance:
1 - A regular cleaning of the apparatus allows better viewing of the problems, if any (distortion, breakage, or corrosion).
2 - Before use, check wear parts each time for good condition and operation: cylinder (12), stop tube (11) and standing board (1),
as well as presence of endpieces (19), (20) and (21).
3 - Check the correct tightening of all attachment elements.
4 - Important:
- If a problem is detected or suspected, do not use the equipment as long as it has not been checked by a technician.
- Any damaged or distorted piece should be replaced as soon as possible.
III. Storage:
Always store the equipment away from humidity and heat.
4 5 6
9 17
Figure 2
NM53e - Page 2