4-5 Other Display
Error code
EC, E00 Communications error
A protocol error occurred in communications.
Confirm the format, baud rate and parity.
EC, E01 Undefined command error
An undefined command was received.
Confirm the command.
EC, E02 Not ready
A received command cannot be processed.
Example: The balance received a "Q" command, but not in
Adjust the delay time to transmit a command.
EC, E03 Timeout error
If the timeout parameter is set to
did not receive the next character of a command within the
time limit of one second. Confirm the communication.
EC, E04 Excess characters error
The balance received excessive characters in a command.
Confirm the command.
EC, E06 Format error
A command includes incorrect data.
Example: The data is numerically incorrect.
Confirm the command.
EC, E07 Parameter setting error
The received data exceeds the range that the balance can
accept. Confirm the parameter range of the command.
When this indicator (
balance is not used for several minutes with this indicator blinking, the
balance automatically performs calibration using the internal mass. The
blinking period depends on the operating environment.
The balance can be used when this indicator is blinking, but we recommend
that you perform calibration before weighing.
the weighing mode.
The balance received a "Q" command while
processing a RE-ZERO command.
) blinks, automatic self calibration is waiting. If the
, the balance