7. If the setup fails or
times out you will see
the following screen.
Either press
"Continue" or "Go
Back" to try again.
Note: These are
random generated
numbers. DO NOT use
the numbers printed in
these instructions. Use
the numbers that you
see on your computer
7. Si /a connexion
echoue ou s'i/ ya
une temporisation,
vous verrez l'ecran
suivant. Appuyez
sur « Continuer» ou
« Retour » pour
essayer de nouveau.
Bluetooth Setup Assistant
Attempting to pair with "ScoKhe keyboard
Your device may ask you 10 enter a passkey. Check your device to see
if it is ready to accept a passkey. When your device is ready, enter in
the following passkey:
2946 0241
Once you have entered the passkey on your device the pairing process
will be completed.
The pairing attempt was unsuccessful. If you would like to try a
different passcode or pairing me1hod, click "Passcode Options .. ."
button.Click Continue to try again.
Passcode Options
Remarque : ce sont
des numeros generes
au hasard. N'UTILISEZ
/es numeros
enumeres dans ces
instructions. Utilisez
/es numeros que vous
votre ecran
7. Si el acoplamiento
fa/la o o expira el
tiempo permitido
para /ograrlo, vera
la siguiente pantalla.
Presione "Continue"
o "Go Back" para
intentarlo nuevamente.
Nota: Estos numeros se
generan al azar. NO use
/os numeros impresos
en estas instrucciones.
Use /os numeros que
vea en la pantalla de su