Glass fibre rods
Solidum/ Sunbrella
We make use of the highest
quality fabrics. Extensive research,
testing and years of experience have
proven that solution-died acrylic
fabrics are the best for Umbrosa
products. Apart from the existing
Sunbrella range,
Umbrosa, in cooperation with Dick-
son, has developed its own fabric
with excellent warranty conditions.
This fabric is called 'Solidum'.
Stainless steel 316
Also named AISI 316, A4 steel or
Brush polished
marine grade steel. This is the
highest quality of corrosion resist-
ant steel available on the com-
mercial market and is resistant to
chlorides (swimming pools and tap
water), acid rain and salt. However,
periodic maintenance is required to
avoid superficial corrosion.
Winter stock check and
Only clean when dirty. Wear gloves when cleaning. Use a wet soft sponge and
spring check
mild soap to remove stains. Never use an abrasive sponge or cleaner because
this will loosen the fibers.
Winter stock check and
Check all visible bolts. For example bolts:
spring check
- holding the glass fiber ribs
- of the spigot on the rotation base
- holding the pole on the spigot (back of the pole)
Never overtorque the bolts, just turn until you feel some resistance.
Do not adjust the bolt and nut holding the rotation plates!
Spilled liquids
It is best to clean spilled liquids immediately by using a sheet of absorbent
kitchen paper. The water-resistant coating on the Sunbrella and Solidum fabric
prevents droplets from penetrating into the fabric.
Bird poop immediately
Brush off loose dirt. Then use a cleaning solution of water and mild soap and
clean with a soft bristle brush. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the
fabric. Rinse thoroughly until all soap residue is removed. Air dry.
3 months
Rinse of all dirt with tap water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
1-3 months
Clean with a stainless steel cleaner.
(seaside – in land)
Follow the instructions of your stainless steel cleaner.
Beversesteenweg 565 B - 8800 Roeselare - Belgium - T: +32 51 30 22 60 - info@umbrosa.com